Smart Building Systems: From the Past to Their Future [2023]

Smart Building Systems
Smart Building Systems

In the modern world of smart building systems, buildings are making it easy for everyone (every stakeholder) to benefit from technology.

But this doesn’t mean that they are something that started only in recent years. 

From the humble beginnings of rudimentary heating and cooling systems to the modern-day marvels of automated lighting, security, and energy management… The evolution of smart building technology has been nothing short of amazing. 

But as impressive as these systems are, their future promises to be even more mind-blowing.

 In this blog, we’ll take a trip down memory lane, explore the current state of smart building systems, and see what the future holds for smart buildings.

From transistors to IoT: The evolution of smart building systems

Picture this… it’s 1947, and the world is buzzing with excitement over the invention of the transistor. 

Little did they know, this was the beginning of a revolution that would change the world as we know it. 

Fast forward a few decades, and we’re living in a world where smart building systems are becoming the norm. 

But how did we get here? 

Fast forward to 1951. 

This is where the world saw the birth of the first computer, opening up new doors for technology to infiltrate every aspect of our lives. 

(It was the first commercially produced electronic digital computer in the US.)

The stage was set for smart building systems to come into existence, but…it wasn’t until the 1980s that we saw the first true example of an “intelligent building”. 

These early iterations controlled HVAC systems and focused on energy efficiency. 

Thus, laying the groundwork for future more complex and interconnected systems.

In the 90s, the World Wide Web burst onto the scene — giving us the gift of public internet connection for the first time. 

This was a major turning point for smart buildings, as the internet IS a key element in their development. 

The new millennium brought with it even more exciting advancements in smart technology. 

The term “smart building systems” was coined.

Over the next two decades, new technologies were integrated into everyday use to bring social, environmental, and financial benefits. 

Today, we see smart buildings that can monitor energy consumption, track occupancy patterns, and adjust lighting and temperature based on real-time data.

These systems not only make our lives easier but also contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.

What does the future hold?

Get ready to step into the future – it’s looking pretty smart! 

The smart building systems industry is booming and set to skyrocket  to a whopping 115 million by 2026. 

That’s over 150% growth from 2022 and shows just how much the world is embracing the power of technology in our buildings.

Plus…The recent regulations like New York’s City Local Law 97 and SECR have brought real-world concerns to the forefront. 

Luckily, smart buildings are (and will continue) answering the call.

We believe they’ll become even more people-focused and environmentally friendly.

As the world becomes more flexible, smart building systems will facilitate successful working AND living environments. 

Smart buildings will continue to prove they’re worth the investment by delivering: 

  • higher returns, 
  • integrating seamlessly into existing systems, 
  • and providing frictionless processes.

It’s clear that the role of buildings in our lives has changed significantly over the past few years. 

With the help of smart technology, we can create more sustainable, cost-effective, and healthy spaces that benefit both individuals and the planet.

The future of smart buildings is exciting and full of possibilities. 

To wrap it up

Looking back on the history of smart buildings, it’s clear that each stage significantly impacted the development of the technology we see today. 

From the birth of the computer to the introduction of the internet -> each advancement paved the way for more complex and interconnected systems. 

And as we look towards the future… it’s exciting to think about what new technologies and advancements will continue to shape the world of smart building systems.

In summary, we believe that smart building systems will offer a more holistic approach to building design and management. 

With their emphasis on sustainability, occupant well-being, and cost-effectiveness… these buildings represent the future of building technology.

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